Monday, July 27, 2009


i opened an account with manjam last week, i think. and then i have the most stupid questions asked of me. i guess it's only telling of the kind of people who populate the site. including me. LOL!

i do love a lot of the members there, mainly because they have very funny and witty profiles. i'm just going to note down the non-lovable ones.

anyway, i got this account because g4m has long since died and joined planetromeo in the nether regions of cyberspace. and planetromeo sucks. i don't know why, but it does.

there's also pinoy g4m for those who miss the original g4m. it's admirable in the sense that they wish to keep the functionality of g4m.

i guess that it just proves that, regardless of the sites, questions and demands of moronic proportions persist. and here are some of them:

top or bottom?
answer i'd like to write: it's in my profile, you lazy illiterate fucktard.
answer i gave: it's in my profile.

answer i'd like to write: if i had more, they'd be there, wouldn't they?
answer i gave: none, sorry.

answer i'd like to write: then why the hell are you in manjam?
answer i gave: none, sorry.

answer i'd like to write: card, online, or word?
answer i gave: for what?

answer i'd like to write: 7, surf's, bottoms
answer i gave: hello too.

answer i'd like to write: whose?
answer i gave: what?

answer i'd like to write: shhh.
answer i gave: what?

i guess i really am too sarcastic, but at least i've kept it in check now.

thank you, Lord.

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