assigned to train me was dexter, who was leaving his post for another spot in another team.
for the past few days, he taught me everything he knew.
i guess i was too excited to work to notice dexter right away.
he was slightly older, with a stubbled beard, broad shoulders, and was extremely masculine.
his deep voice would reverberate during our one-on-one training, asking me if i understood anything.
sometimes what he taught was too technical, so i would just nod yes, hoping that it would soon be over.
after a month, he felt i was ready to take his place.
i sat in his chair, trying to dig in on the work left.
dexter would sometimes sit with me to check on my work if he had the time.
another month passed, and we became good friends.
it was after work, and almost everyone had gone home early because of the monday blues.
i had just finished, and was clicking on personal mails when i became aware of someone standing behind me.
"what's that?" i heard dexter ask.
shit! i hurriedly minimized the teensy-sized browser.
"er, nothing." i heard myself reply.
"did i just see a...?"
double shit! that mail had gay porn attached.
"you saw nothing." i smiled confidently and stood up.
"i'm sure i saw something. let's open your browser."
he started to reach for the mouse.
"noooooo!" i grabbed the mouse and kept on clicking while dexter tried to wrestle it from behind me.
we grappled for a few seconds before i realized how silly we looked, and i started laughing.
he joined in, and soon i was sitting back down on the chair, winded down from horsing around.
"so what was it that you were trying to hide?"
i saw that i had managed to close the browser.
i looked up and saw that dexter was grinning at me while he sat on my table.
"like i said, nothing."
he gave me a strange look.
"what?" i asked.
"nothing. never mind."
"good. let's go home. i hate mondays."
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