strangely, it sort of saddened me.
true, i did want him, but not that way. not paid anyway. haha!
if i did go for the extra service, would it mean that future massages would always have that tone?
would the quality of his massages suffer because he would then rush to the happy ending?
i do so enjoy his massages very much, although they haven't been necessarily totally wholesome and innocent. if i went that route, would everything change thereafter? (of course it would.)
"i'll do it only if we were both naked, and not in this place." i dared him with a grin.
he took it in stride. i did notice him take a pause while he continued to massage my chest, as if taking deep considerations about it.
"why not now?" he whispered, gently stroking the base of my semi-hard cock, his large fingers ocassionally grazed between my legs, tentatively (and unsuccessfully) trying to find the rabbit's hole that went into the wonderland.
i searched for an answer, and several ran through my mind. one, i can be really noisy when aroused, and easily aroused by my partner's noises. two, the place is not conducive to make such noises, even though i see the thrill of the whole situation. three, i want you, but not in a quickie hand job kind of way. i want to have you, to taste your lips, your body, your sweat. leisurely, wantonly, frantically.
finally, i smiled silently in reply. he smiled back in the dim light.
we finished the massage without the happy ending, just hopefully, a happy beginning.
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