he was wearing post-gym workout clothes.
i was wearing basic black.
we took a walk to his dorm.
we got inside his room.
started fooling around.
he was sweet. cute. stocky.
damn, you're so fucking hot, he says.
shut up, i say. and i kiss him long and hard.
we move to the bed.
i want a boyfriend like you, he pants.
shh. don't say anything, i say.
then one of the bed supports cracked.
i guess my bed knows how to choose who i should have a relationship with, he says.
i stop, and look at him.
we barely know each other, i say.
i look at his eyes.
i wish you were my boyfriend, he says.
we just met, i say.
so? he asks.
he starts exploring my body.
i sit up in surprise as a finger goes inside the cave.
wait, i don't do that, i say.
why? he asks.
i just don't. it's a special place and it's a special act, i say.
if i were your boyfriend, would you let me? he asks.
i don't reply. instead i just kiss him.
and spent a lot of time trying to stop him from entering.
stop, i protest. many times.
please? he begs.
no, i'm sorry. everything but that, i say.
we took a bath after.
soaped each other up.
kissed. fondled. teased.
toweled each other off.
you'll be mine soon, he growls.
he takes me by surprise as he lifts and carries me off the bed and towards the door.
put me down, i say.
he lets me down and i kiss him one more time.
and i leave him.