understandably, particulars will be edited, and some terms and phrases will have to be changed or omitted to protect both parties from further exposure.
Dear Paymaster,
"Likewise, on the incentive you were asking, i asked (Name) of audit and confirmed that no incentive was computed nor given."
Thank you for the quick response to my request.
I am extremely disappointed, terribly shocked, and deeply upset that the (ValueS) incentives were not included. We, as a department, had done so much effort to sell this particular promotional package for 2007. If this is the case of no incentives ever, were we being misled? Is this on one instance or has this never been implemented at all? What happened?
I would like to request electronic copies of all my pay slips to see if there was ever any incentive bonuses as well during my period of working at (Said Hotel). From day one to my last day, please.
Never mind that the incentive dropped from P1000 pesos down to only P75 per night stayed under (ValueS). I basically made 100 nights' worth of reservations for December alone. The calculation should not be that difficult to make.
Our incentive followed this guideline: for each month that we hit the target number of nights, we were informed to forward a copy of all our reservations made under the Value Vacations promo. For each night a guest stays under the (ValueS) promo, the reservations agent who sold and made the reservation gets P75. Per room per night. We were able to hit the target several times during 2007. Or so we were told.
I expect that a timely resolution and a concise explanation be given for this situation, and within a few days, as we have been reminded and promised of this incentive plan for months on end. I can speak for myself that I have been encouraged to sell the promo due to the incentive promised from day one. Kindly inform the responsible people and department to forward any resolutions and explanations to my former colleagues at Reservations as well. I prefer them to know what the truth is so that any extra effort on their part would not be further wasted.
Reading about this new information has made me highly distrustful of the company as a whole. What other things have been kept from us? Were we being blatantly lied to? Or is it just for my case alone? If so, is it because I was an exiting employee on the way out from this 5-star resort? Please explain.
It would be very unfair practice if a promise was made to me and/or my colleagues at Reservations, and to find out that delivery of the promise was inconsistent or never made at all, well, that just makes me shake my head in disbelief.
I know that (Said Hotel) represents fantastic delivery of value-added services intended to delight its paying customers. I also hope that the same applies to its working employees as well, whether present or previous. I appreciate all honesty and transparency regarding (Said Hotel)'s decision - to whether honor its promise or not.
If I am entitled to the incentives, kindly help me understand what really happened.
If I am not entitled to receive the incentive, kindly help me understand the guidelines, the fine print, and the loopholes for the lack of entitlement. I deserve at least the dignity of an explanation. At least future exiting employees would not also feel the way I do.
And, regarding the processing of my last pay, HR informed me that they sent the clearance February. The exact date escapes my mind at the moment. To inform me that Accounting received it March 13 makes me raise my eyebrows even higher. Which department is telling the truth?
I feel so seriously betrayed and manipulated, specially when I trusted so much on (Said Hotel)'s competency as a 5-star company with 5-star service with an aim to honor its 5-star delivery of a promise.
I hope you will not confirm all my fears, as I believe (Said Hotel) to be a wonderful brand and an excellent group of company to work for. I certainly hope that this incident does not further tarnish my perception of (Said Hotel) and other properties connected to it. That would be a shame.
I know that the Paymaster's Office is just one of the few departments which need to be involved. I would appreciate if all responsible departments and persons can quickly coordinate and efficiently resolve this situation, explain everything to me and to the untiring, unrecognized, and extremely stressed-out Reservations Agents who have made the extra effort to help increase revenue for (Said Hotel).
Thank you for your time and effort.
Kind regards,
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