macky the messenger slurred out the words to me and b.
the words, like the cold air outside, hit me.
i grinned.
three hours earlier:
it was b's second vacation night.
bubz, b, and i were at the bar.
normally restrained, i had become b's accomplice on the dancefloor.
writhing, grinding, pulsating to the thumpa-thumpa.
and that's how we had gotten the attention of a few guys.
our twosome became three, four, five.
it was just a little too crowded for my taste, so i moved to the side to watch the show.
b was quite the belle of the ball.
belts coming undone, jeans getting unzipped, hands exploring inside, lips touching skin.
the girl beside me craned her neck to look at what was going on.
bubz and i looked at b in the middle of it all and we grinned.
"to celibacy!"
b finally came up for air, took a look around, and decided it was time to leave his playground.
that's when macky the messenger caught up with us and gave us the message.
"he" was the guy b had been dancing with.
i held macky by the shoulders and looked at him in the eyes.
"tell him i'm flattered, but not tonight."
macky turned to b. i didn't hear b's reply, but i could guess as much as macky stormed off.
and that's how bubz, b, and i left doce.
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