Sunday, October 5, 2008

a change will do you good

various thoughts running through my head for the moment.

reading and watching sexy sarah palin in action just makes my head ache. i'm sure she's probably nice and all, but way too unqualified to be veep to mccain. let's face it, mccain obviously drafted her to hook in the clinton votes, and the women voters. watching her fumble during her onscreen interviews was just excruciating, and i guess voters really do get what they elect to office. the way she answered questions. boy. did she get picked only for her gender and age. and i think she knows that, deep inside.

when asked by katie couric if she had any favorite newspapers, sexy sarah answers, oh i read them all. and when pressed for a certain newspaper, she couldn't answer, and then she rambles on and on about alaska. sweetie, we get it. you're from alaska and proud of it. so proud that you wanted to build a bridge to nowhere. we know you're proud you're a soccer mom. we love soccer moms. unfortunately, that's not the only qualification you need to run for office. i think tina fey would do a better job than sexy sarah any time.

dear sexy sarah, you need a good grasp of world affairs. and if you're not sure of certain things, it's better to shut up than to trip up. because tripping up really highlights your ignorance. which is not a bad thing. ignorance can always be cured by knowledge. stupidity is another thing.

and let's not dwell on local politics. we can go on and on about how stupidity elected popular but unfit people into positions of power.

that's why i'm going to dwell on good things. like how i finally made the a sketch of my "demonic" race. who doesn't look demonic at all. angelic in fact. if demons were to tempt humans, why would they tempt us with scary looking faces? let's face it. desire motivates us more than fear.

or how i finally edited the pages i've made so far. with so many huge edits. scenes erased and changed. scenes added. thinking of names. it's just crazy. but fun.

another sunday evening. i wonder how b is doing. i haven't chatted with him for the longest time.

i need to shake up my life.

i think i shall go to eloy this week for some card reading.

i wonder how it will go.

and then ngohiong right after!

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