and then i found out that dove also had a buy-three-free-one bar deal for their original cream bar.
someone definitely broke the bank that day.
dove has always had a special place in my shower. i remember as a kid, we used dove before we were told not t0. not because it was bad for the skin. but because dove, way back then, was associated with the lalatz-for-hire. apparently, because dove was so prized, these lalatz-for-hire would often bathe themselves with dove to appear more enticing to their johns for the night. the girls were told not to use dove in case they be mistaken for lalatz-for-hire, and the boys were told not to use dove in case they be mistaken as having used the services of the lalatz-for-hire.
flash-forward to current times. dove has become a beacon of light for all. it's continued to champion the definition of real beauty. it's also continued to develop its market. i think i've never had better skin with dove. i also love its shower gel variation, which i used for the first time in high school when an aunt from spain sent it to me. i can't wait to start using dove again, as i've experimented with olay's soap, which is good, but not as good (for me) as dove.
i've experimented with a lot of products, and so far, in terms of quality and price, dove still beats its competitors in the same price category in every way. i just wonder why they haven't done the men's skin line yet. or at least create a campaign that's more unisex. i think they should. men, specially gay men, are very particular about grooming, and have been one of the biggest market with the highly-dispensible income, even in these trying times. just look at the abundance of massage parlors popping up all over.
who knows? that whole dove unisex campaign might take on a life of its own.
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