it involves a mysterious young boy who is hunted down by a secret organization. as the story unfolds, we learn that the mysterious boy is not as young as he seems, and he holds secrets that may preserve or destroy the human race, but he has lost his memories in the process of escaping from his enemies. he slowly regains some of his memories, but he is not sure if they are real or illusions. he encounters several people who might be able to help him: a beautiful socialite, a failed scientist, a dark goddess, and a shadowy assasin. oh, and yes, he's gay.
this is just the general outline, but of course there is more underneath. everyone has a reason for doing what they have to do, but the reason, or reasons that they have, doesn't have to be told. there is a lot that i've borrowed from myths and legends too, but with a twist, of course.
my dream is to have it written down, finalized.
and the ultimate dream? have it become a graphic novel.
oh. my. god.
if only i had the talent to draw like comic artists. i have already the vision of how it looks in my head. it's just pulling everything together to make it tangible.
i've tried posting it on multiply. i've posted a few entries, but that's as far as i would allow the posts to go. the next stories, i want to keep editing. omit, add, change.
so it really is a challenge to me. do i make it simpler? or make it more complex?
i would love to meet with someone who can create a rough graphic novel, with panels and everything. but first, someone who can help me with putting down my ideas into words. i would also love to meet with people with the same interests. i know b is one. i think he's already almost finished his drafts.
i keep having ideas. putting them down is another thing. lol.
it's looking like it's gonna be sequelicious. and i haven't started on the first one!
help! :-)
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