i slept with serkan to forget about captain's unrequited feelings.
it did work. i've mostly gotten over captain.
and it got me thinking. is there a way to forget your crush?
i quickly typed in "how to forget a crush" on the handy google search bar of my firefox.
the first entry was from wikihow. intriguing. and so i clicked.
various how-to's were listed.
avoid your crush.
accept that you were rejected by your crush. ouch.
look for his negative traits.
meet new friends.
i think i took the last option.
do i regret it? not really.
serkan is a nice guy.
i went out with some friends saturday night and hit the clubs.
well, one club in particular. it was packed.
lovers of friends were there.
and friends of lovers as well.
it was fun for a while. some cute guys. some danced with me. some rubbed up against me.
the euphoria didn't last long.
i'm not really the bar-hopping type.
or maybe i've just evolved past being a regular bar-resident.
or maybe i'm looking for something more solid than a one night stand.
the bars aren't the best places to look for those kind of relationships.
or is it just that i'm too old-fashioned to want that?
or maybe we've all gotten too spoiled by the availability of (hot) men, that we are incapable of deciding and settling?
because once we do decide to settle, we might miss a better one.
is this it?
in a world where options are everywhere, is it safe to settle?
or should we forget the relationship part and instead, just enjoy and have fun?
hmmm... i'm sensing a new pattern here.... *wink*wink*
you seemed like moving towards the path of the other side of the Libran mind... or heart?
like a true libran, i am moving towards a balance of both.
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