interview 1
subject: bz
bz was a serial dater with a penchant for flings and one-night-stands. then he met polo. bz found polo potentially great for a serious relationship.
they both had a relationship. they both had a different definition of a relationship. they lasted a week. bz had to work out of the country anyway. they broke it off prior to bz leaving.
enter nick. he meets polo. they liked each other. they go in the same circles as bz's friends. bz's friends find out. he finds out about it. but it's history. so says bz.
enter trey. nosy. went ahead and asked bz about the whole thing. and that's interview 1.
interview 2
subject: mel
mel is a former officemate of trey. taray. and suspected of being fabulously in denial. became friends, and the two hung out with other officemates, who turn out to be really really great intelligent people. rumors persist.
a year passes. everyone has left the company and now work for other companies, yet still keep in touch with everyone. that's how strong the bond is. mel, haze, and trey hung out while unemployed. all 3 got employed approximately the same time. mel in manila. haze and trey in cebu.
out of the blue, trey found a message in his friendster. from haze. mel has a bf. ahem! nosy trey immediately messages mel. he and bf live together in leyte, while mel's family is in manila. his bf is young at 22. and mel, in his mid twenties, finally gets to experience the joys of male sexual bonding.
interview 3
subject: oz
oz had a relationship that lasted almost a year. and that's all that was said. short interview.
interview 4
subject: jay12
trey is at a bar with bub. trey was alone for a moment. offered a drink. trey refuses. insists. trey downs the shot and thanks jay with a smile. boyfriend? indicates bub. no. jay smiles. continues dancing.
after 15 minutes, jay offers another shot. trey declines.
after 30 minutes, jay offers again another shot. last one, according to him. thanks.
5 minutes later, jay's friend asks for trey's number. jay texts trey the minute trey leaves the bar. invites him to visit jay. trey declines. end of interview.
interview 5
subject: bes12
bes12 came in with a white geeky guy. trey immediately checks out white geeky guy. likes what he sees. unfortunately, bes12 thinks trey was looking at him. came over after a few minutes.
asks if trey is alone. no, i'm with him. trey points to bub. oh, bf? bes12 is curious. no. do you come here a lot? nope. trey asks if white geeky guy is his bf. nope. hm. interesting.
awkward silent for a few minutes, then he leaves.
interview 6
subject: white geeky guy
he was taller than trey. geeky glasses. indie rocker pose with the beer bottle held at a 90-degree angle across his stomach. dancing around. endearing, because he danced like a geek.
suddenly, he was dancing beside trey. trey takes the opportunity to ask him some questions.
why are you dancing alone?
what happened to your boyfriend?
i see, so you're just best friends.
it's not that wild yet. do you wanna make it wilder?
oh, a bf.
okay, it was nice to meet you.
interesting post, trey! ehehhehe
Daming blind items huh.
~~ Ethan ~~
Interesting post here, trey.
Daming items. :-p
~~ ethan, gin and jun2 ~~
um, you know, you were right. it IS hard to think of aliases. lol!
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