anyway, finally had the guts to do the garage sale i've been planning for months. after getting harried and hassled to do an impromptu sale today. at least my beloved shirts and pants and accessories will find good homes. and my first sale was today. good omen. mj ran out of money. hahaha! and yehey!
my back's killing me. hello yoga thai! i miss you already.
and i got dvd's of justice league unlimited and elizabeth: the golden age. woohoo!
just spoke briefly with mj during his spree. big whore has been sexless for a week. and meanwhile, i'm sailing through months. and i had to hear him complaining of lack of sex. pwede ba? i just wanna smash his head in. forces of the universe, grant your humble servant the gift of hot hunks! hm. amen.
where do these men come from? or am i too picky? i know the answer already. yes, i am picky. sigh.
maybe because i've seen how gay couples work out? seen and heard it all. and always with the requisite cheating. am i so archaic to imagine monogamy still exists? or should i continue to shut my heart up and become emotionally unavailable and be jaded to the idea of fidelity? or are relationships a thing of the past? is it now situationships (thanks to corporate closet for the term)?
i remember a scene in qaf. michael found out that he'd been cheated on. and bryan tells him men cheat because they're men. i guess there is a point there.
we always want we can't have.
now i've become so serious. cheer up. it's the weekend!
now to shower and change.
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