saturday, 1:30 am
i am home, breathless, panting, sweaty. my nerves are shot. i have just lost my stalker.
i saw him in the corner of my eye as i left chowking colon. he was gay. thin. dyed blond. slightly effeminate.
i did not pay any attention when he started to follow me on my way home. i glanced back to check for oncoming cars. that's when i saw him. walking purposely, staring at me.
i quickened my pace. turned another block. i looked over my shoulder. he was still there. i made a plan. i would go past the side streets and turn around a corner, and then run to the next corner and walk the other way. and it worked. to my big relief.
fyi cruisers and dear readers:
this is not how you cruise a guy. it should be obvious that if the guy is walking quickly, he is just not that into you.
saturday, 12:45 am
i just left mt. i'm hungry. oops. my favorite chicken place is closed. i go somewhere else.
i am enjoying a hot, spicy noodle concoction from chowking when my concentration is interrupted by the voice of an articulate woman, by herself, announcing without pause:
"i am wonderwoman. i'm on the top of the world looking, down on... yes your honor. the litigation process is under way. jose rizal. mandaue. cinema. oh, it cuts like a knife... how many woodchucks make wood and c is for the candy cane around the christmas tree... i'm telling you that the deal is impossible to make because you can hold me close, let your love surround me, bring me near, draw me to your side..."
it continued for almost 30 minutes, much to the giggling of the 3 employees and 5 customers.
and senility became a topic between che, the super nice and thoughtful night manager, and me. soon after, the deranged dame quieted down, and several customers came in. i thought it was time to leave, as i had already been entertained quite enough. little did i think that i would be in a suspense clip in a few minutes.
friday, 11:00 pm
met mt for updates, chika lang. he still has a very impressive body. rock-hard, solid muscles. we ended up in the shower.
he loves the mango body scrub. so do i.
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