finally spotted coswani, aka pepito. and spotted bubz's goateed guy, aka florencio. gosh. spied bubz on the way to see his beloved barbers. ahem. and heard all about ruel. yummers. i like.
oz arrived to join us. and made taray to one of the supervisors at sm. which left me speechless. because i've never heard him spout never-ending narratives of how incompetent or incapacitated people and services are. my ears were devirginized.
others arrived for coffee and a much talked-about topic: coming out. hearing my friends' stories just made me realize how fortunate i am. that evening just made me appreciate my family more. i didn't go through the whole crying and blaming scene, with the parents wondering where they went wrong, that being gay was probably a phase, that i just haven't met the right girl, that i would probably start wearing make-up and dresses, that i might lose a fortune to money-hungry hustlers, and all that drama.
i came out to my parents during college, and then to my sister. then to my friends. and they were very very supportive. or perhaps they kept their worries to themselves. that, i wouldn't know. until they share it with me. but it was a very freeing experience. i didn't have to be anyone everyone wanted me to be. i was free to be me.
the evening ended with me singing mariah's ken lee (ib dibidu widau chu) at the beat. which was awkward and embarrassing, considering i am tone deaf and pathetically out of tune.
oh, the trials of being trey.
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